jennifer love hewitt loves (gay) porn!

So Jennifer Love Hewitt was out in WeHo the other night when she stopped at a bingo fundraiser for gay adult entertainer Brent Corrigan. One thing lead to another and Jennifer “Took one for the team” as Brent put it and bought a bunch of his movies. The only thing that really surprises me here is that he referred to buying his movies as “took one for the team”, which means he’s either really good at being self-deprecating or he graduated from the Katherine Heigl school of marketing.

Yes, that Jennifer Love Hewitt. She took one for the team. I sure hope her homos are proud. Cuz you know she’s got ’em! And I sure hope they enjoy the DVD’s. Or she does. I guess we shall never know. Though, we wouldn’t fault Miss Love if she did get a little curious and popped one in her DVD player one afternoon, now would we? SOURCE / NSFW

Well I hope you enjoy your massive pile of gay sex, Jennifer Love Hewitt. Either the girl has a raging hard-on for man sex, or her dumpy pear-ass had one of those Looney Toons-style hallucinations where she saw Brent as a walking sandwich.

Brent: Hey, thanks for buying all those movies.

Jennifer: You’re welcome, giant talking hot dog!

Brent: Ahaha … Yeah. Stop chewing on my elbow.

About JEREMY FEIST 4832 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.