oh score – pop kismet – seeing someone from six feet under when there is a new episode on tonight! we were at the dog park hot-spot laurel canyon with the little ones – when in came jeremy sisto who plays the very messy yet oh so sexy brother of brenda – billy chenowith – his little dog was truly adorable and he seemed very chill & low-key – of course who wants to be bothered while at the dog park – but i do love his character and he was quite cute in person – so it was just fun to spot him – celeb spottings happen so randomly around here – and don’t forget six feet tonight – popbytes out for now!
read another account over at the very witty words for my enjoyment – this is what happened after i left…oh that sisto!
tonight on six feet under
A young Latina’s funeral raises questions about the culture — and future — of Fisher and Diaz. Meanwhile, David and Keith are upset when they’re not in the driver’s seat; Claire takes her coworker Ted to an art school show, where not much has changed; Brenda gets vital information from her doctor — and from Jackie; Nate seeks peace through Maggie’s faith; Vanessa heads for a night out, leaving Rico to his fantasies; and Ruth goes out for some pampering and gets more than she paid for.