Jesse James cheated on Kat Von D?

Jesse James and Kat Von D

OMG, you guys! I’m freaking out in the worst way right now because RadarOnline is reporting that Jesse James and Kat Von D broke up because Jesse allegedly (pause for dramatic effect because this revelation will ROCK. YOUR. WORLD.) cheated on Kat! I know, I’m as shocked as you are! I mean, Jesse seems like such a committed lover who would never oh yeah that’s right he cheated on his wife.

A woman who claims to have been hooking up with James while he and Kat were broken up and then back on says she was dating him while he and Kat were “on a break,” and posted a rant about him on the website “You can’t stay faithful because you hate yourself, therefore you secretly hate everyone else in your life. That’s why you treat women like sh*t. Why don’t you finally be a man and tell everyone why Kat dumped you this time?” The “scorned woman writes. “Is it because you lied to her and said that you didn’t see anyone while you two were ‘on a break.’ How did she find out about me Jesse? I know you didn’t tell her, and I didn’t say anything because I didn’t even know that you two got back together until the entire world found out.

As harsh as this is, she has a point: if he cheats once, he’ll cheat again. That’s just how it works. Cheating isn’t really one of those things that you can just magically get rid of over time, as much as you’d like to believe you can. If someone cheats on you, it’s either because (A) they don’t want to be with you, or (B) they have a compulsion to cheat and avoid monogamy, so I guess see the above. Point is, you’re better off just letting him go.

Jesse James and Kat Von D

About JEREMY FEIST 4832 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.