oh i know this is my second jessica simpson post of the day but this story was just too funny to pass up – on the day her new album a public affair arrived in stores – she lost her voice! what bad timing…ms. simpson was to appear on the today show this morning and hunky matt lauer announced she had to reschedule for this coming friday – it’s all too ironic – i love it! this is such a sign from the universe – i do wonder if she will outsell the very weak debut sales of paris hilton‘s album paris? i bet she’ll beat paris even though i actually prefer the hilton disc – yes that’s totally shameful but i’m trying to be honest…whatever both albums suck ass but if forced to pick which i’d prefer to be stranded on a desert island with – i would take frolicking in the sandy surf to stars are blind
and yes there’s even more news on jessica today…apparently she’s all hooked up now with singer john mayer – although i don’t mind his new single (waiting on the world to change…or for jessica to ditch nick) i’ve never been a fan of his (i loathe that song your body is a wonderland) and in the looks department jess opted for a serious downgrade from ex-hubby nick lachey…i would take dane cook & bam margera over mr. mayer as well…anyways hopefully all this recent jessica nonsense will soon simmer down…popbytes over & out for now – xxoo!
PS gosh i love dramatic quotes like this…if she does not observe vocal rest, she could lose her voice forever, her party is (tuesday) night. if she goes to the party, she won’t be able to talk… (a source told people)