Jinkx Monsoon: Please leave Roxxxy Andrews alone!

Jinkx Monsoon and Roxxxy Andrews

Jinkx Monsoon and Roxxxy Andrews

On the last episode of RuPaul’s Drag Race, queens Roxxxy Andrews butted heads with Jinkx Monsoon before revealing that, when Roxxxy and her sister were both little kids, Roxxxy’s mother abandoned them at the bus stop. It was a really heartbreaking moment because, well, what kind of mother would abandon her kids like that? That’s a very special kind of heartless. Not only that, but Roxxxy’s drag mother, Erica Andrews, passed away the same day that episode aired, so right now she’s probably in a really vulnerable place. So of course, people started sending her really hateful, awful messages. In light of this, Jinkx took to Facebook to tell everyone to knock it the f**k off…

Dear fans, friend and supporters.

I’ve seen some really disparaging remarks made about my fellow drag race competitors … for example: “You deserved to be left at that bus stop.”

Roxxxy and I may not always see eye to eye, but she doesn’t deserve such things being said to her. Remember that we all play the game in different ways. Though we may feud, it doesn’t mean we don’t have a friendship underneath it all.

Any fans of mine who think that’s the way to talk to other people have completely missed my message. Haters will hate, but let it just be water off a duck’s back. I love you all.


I always figured that one of the best parts about RuPaul’s Drag Race was the fact that it encouraged people to be nicer and more accepting of other people. Yes, some of the queens can get a bit bitchy, but they still genuinely love each other, like real sisters. Roxxxy doesn’t always have the best attitude on the show, but no one deserves to be told some of the crap that people are slinging at her. So a big standing ovation to Jinkx for coming to her sister’s aid on this one.

About JEREMY FEIST 5002 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.