hey hey! so it looks like it’s really back on for lovebirds jude law and sienna miller (they were engaged back on xmas of ’04 and broke up in november of ’06) the twosome were spotted down in the carribean sun with three of mr. law’s children (rafferty, iris and rudy – all mothered by sadie frost) along with sienna’s mom jo miller! i wonder if they’ll make it official at some point? he already has kids with two women … why not make it three? i haven’t seen sherlock holmes yet but i’ve heard decent things especially about jude – gosh he’s so damn adorable (i love his furry chest – sexy!) i might have to see the movie just because of jude! (he also reminds me of my boyfriend ivan! there’s definitely a slight resemblance – even though he claims there isn’t) i hope everyone had a fun holiday weekend – i have so much crap to take care of before i leave for hawaii (kauai) on friday but it will all be worth it once i’m on the beach sipping a margarita! popbytes over & out for tonight … xoxo