Justin Bieber, that 16-year-old boy who looks remarkably like a 12-year-old lesbian, decided to get revenge on a kid who hacked into one of his friends’ Twitter accounts to find Justin’s phone number. How? By posting the kid’s number on Twitter for all of his 4.5 million insane, delusional cyberstalkers fans. Oh Justin Bieber … so young, yet such a fucking douche.
The tweet disappeared a few minutes later, but not before thousands–if not hundreds of thousands–of Justin’s followers retweeted it with expressions of multi-exclamated astonishment. Was that actually Justin’s number!?
The number actually belongs to a Detroit teenager named Kevin Kristopik. At around 1am Sunday morning Kristopik tweeted “Thanks for giving out my # @justinbieber.” (Kristopik has since deleted his twitter account.) SOURCE
Now that’s goddamn cold. It’s one thing to get pissy about stuff like this, but to sick 4.5 million Bieber Fever-striken teenagers on one little kid from the middle of nowhere? Harsh. I’m not sure whether or not this classifies Bieber as either a dick or an asshole, so let’s just go with the middle ground and call Justin Bieber a taint, shall we? We shall.