Justin Bieber got taken down from YouTube

Justin Bieber

If necessity is the mother of invention, you really can’t be surprised when people start inventing shit to keep them from having Justin Bieber constantly shoved down their cakeholes. Anyway, the new shit is that all of Justin Bieber’s music videos, and I mean ALL OF THEM, were taken down from YouTube temporarily because someone managed to find a loophole in their copyright policies. TMZ reports:

It sounds so simple — a YouTube user who goes by the name iLCreation submitted a copyright claim on each of Bieber’s videos … including the “Baby” video which has over 600 MILLION views.

YouTube has a yank first, ask questions later policy when a copyright claim is made — so they simply pulled the videos off the site … until the dispute is resolved.

This is awful. Really just an absolute outrage. I just don’t see how anyone could make false copyright claims just because they don’t like Justin Bieber songs. I think all you Beliebers should go and stage a protest or something. Go on now, ya little scamps!

Are they gone? Okay, good. HAHAHAHA! Oh, this is rich … Look, I don’t think people should forcibly censor other people just because they don’t like their music. That being said, it was all straightened out pretty quickly and everything is fine now, so I think it’s okay to laugh about this.

Justin Bieber

About JEREMY FEIST 4970 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.