Remember that old Sesame Street segment where you’d see four objects, and Big Bird would sing, “One of these things is not like the other ones, one of these things just doesn’t belong”? Well, take a look at this picture and try to figure which one of these DOESN’T BELONG.
Give up? I’ll give you a hint: It’s the one that smells like pee and unearned fortune. Yes, Kanye West is trying to frame this as one big happy family, that for some reason lumps Kim Kardashian in with actually talented people like Jay-Z and Beyoncé. Interestingly enough, reports are going around saying that Kanye actually cropped out Bey’s sister Solange Knowles before posting this, so just ponder that wrongness for a couple seconds: famewhore Kim is okay, but a legitimately talented artist like Solange isn’t? Dafuq?