Let me just start off by saying that I really like Kate Winslet. She’s an amazing actress (I still consider her acting in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind the best I’ve ever seen) and she’s absolutely drop-dead gorgeous. But now she’s going to war against cosmetic surgery, even going so far as saying that she joined with Rachel Weisz and Emma Thompson to form an Anti-Cosmetic Surgery League, complete with the lamest super powers ever.
The 35-year-old star of Titanic says she has formed what she describes as the “British Anti-Cosmetic Surgery League” with her Oscar-winning friends Emma Thompson and Rachel Weisz.
“I will never give in,” vows Winslet. “It goes against my morals, the way that my parents brought me up and what I consider to be natural beauty.”
Winslet, who is the daughter of “jobbing actors” from Berkshire, adds: “I am an actress, I don’t want to freeze the expression of my face.” SOURCE
Here are my thoughts on cosmetic surgery … It’s one of those things that is so easy to hate when you’re on the outside looking in, and easy to love when you’re on the receiving end. It’s like sex: When you don’t need or you’re not getting it, it disgusts you. But when you need and it and you’re getting it, then it’s your body and people shouldn’t tell you what to do with it. Which is just how it should be. If you want bigger lips, bigger tits, a thinner waist, go ahead! Hell, without it, transfolk who are looking to alter their sex to reflect how they feel inside wouldn’t be able to to get the corrective surgery they need to feel comfortable in their bodies. But yes, when it comes to purely cosmetic surgery like Botox, we’ll make fun of you if you look stupid (the same way I make fun of people for wearing a crappy dress), but I’m not about to say what you can and cannot do with your body, because my own personal opinions should not dictate the actions of others.