Katie Holmes talks penis gummies with Ellen!

Katie Holmes and Ellen DeGeneres

Katie Holmes is now addressing the ‘controversial’ photo that surfaced last week of Suri Cruise holding a box of penis-shaped gummies … it’s GummyGate! She sat down with Ellen DeGeneres and explained exactly what happened, except she left the part out about how she quietly picked up a couple of boxes for Tom Cruise, since she knows how much he loves peen! I kid, but not really.

Actress Katie Holmes makes an appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show on Friday, April 1st. Katie chats about the recent controversial photo of her daughter Suri holding a box of adult-themed candy.

Ellen: It seems like … your whole life is documented. Like literally you could do a flip thing and we could watch you walk. How is that?

Katie: It can be intense sometimes because there are moments in motherhood where she will have trouble putting on the coat or whatever. Then it’s a story about how she won’t wear a coat. Recently, I took her to get ice cream in New York at this place called Serendipity that we go to all the time. It’s for kids. The clientele is children. We go in and we are waiting for a table and she grabs some gummies that are boy part gummies. I was horrified.

Ellen: Boy part?

Katie: P-e-n-i-s (Katie spells it out) gummies. I said, oh wow those aren’t Swedish fish.

Ellen: Even I know that. I know the difference there. So someone made those on purpose. They look like that? It is made to look like a p-e-n-i-s (Ellen spells is out.)

Katie: They are called p-e-n-i-s gummies and they look like it. She was holding the box and I was like ok, wow we don’t need that right now. Because I thought if I said put that back and then she’s going to say, what is this? And I really didn’t want to have that conversation. I was like, why are selling these here? This is for kids. And then it was on the cover of a magazine that I’m giving her those gummies.

Ellen: They saw them in her hand?

Katie: Yes, they were taking photos of it. I was like, oh my god, no. We put them back. You know so sometimes it’s like no, wait, hold on.

Ellen: So now people think you’re feeding your child p-e-n-i-s gummy bears …

Katie Holmes and Ellen DeGeneres


About MICHAEL KNUDSEN 5719 Articles
MK (Michael Knudsen) first started PopBytes back in September of 2003—while trying to make a website for his design portfolio, the site quickly turned into one of the premiere online destinations for all things pop culture! A native New Yorker, he currently resides in Los Angeles with his partner Ivan along with four dogs, four cats and two parrots. Follow him on Twitter @PopBytes.