Ever since Katy Perry became a huge star, she’s actually been pretty well behaved and has used her position to advocate for gay rights. It has also allowed her preacher parents to ride her coattails and make tons of money off their famous daughter by telling everyone that she’s evil and going to hell. I know, best parents ever right? Well, now they’re saying that Katy is a devil child and asking people to pray for her. Oh, and also could you spot them $20? They need to go to Switzerland reeeeeeeeeeal bad. The Sun reports…
The pair, who have made millions off the back of their famous daughter, show a video making Katy out to be a “devil child” who needs “healing”. Speaking in Santa Fe Springs, California, Keith ranted: “They ask how can I preach if I produce a girl who sang about kissing another girl? I was at a concert of Katy’s where there were 20,000. I’m watching this generation and they were going at it. It almost looked like church. I stood there and wept and kept on weeping and weeping. They’re loving and worshipping the wrong thing.” Katy’s parents ask for donations, saying they need “not one or two dollars, but 20s” so they can go to Switzerland.
Not to disrespect anyone’s beliefs or anything, but if your religion thinks it’s totally okay to call your daughter the embodiment of evil and then use her to bilk money out of people? Maybe you should really reconsider a few of your life choices. Or at the very least switch to a denomination where they frown upon simultaneously shunning your family and making all your money off of them.