Hey, you guys remember that video of Katy Perry‘s boobs playing tag with Elmo on Sesame Street, right? Right. Well as it turns out, a lot of parents don’t want their kids staring transfixed at Katy Perry’s cleavage on TV, so it looks like Sesame Street is refusing to air the clip on TV. Ha! Sorry kids, now how will you be able to see Katy Perry’s boobs? You know, without just googling ‘Katy Perry’s boobs’?
We’ve learned producers have decided not to air the song on the show.
Among the parental comments: “You can practically see her t*ts, that’s some wonderful children’s programming”, “They’re gonna have to rename it cleavage avenue”, “My kid wants milk now” SOURCE
The best part about this whole thing is that they think by not airing this on TV, kids will never see it. Ummm, hate to break it to you, but chances are your kids have already seen the clip. Many times. They can pretty much play the entire video shot for shot in their long-term memory. For those keeping score at home, it’s now Internet boobs: 1,000,000,000,000. Parents: 0.