Keeping Up With The Kardashians: Coming to an end?

Keeping Up With The Kardashians

Keeping Up With The Kardashians

For almost six years now, Keeping Up With The Kardashians has been a cultural and moral blight on our society. It taught an entire generation of impressionable, lazy children that forcing cameras to capture your every monotonous moment would turn you into a rich, famous celebrity. It taught us that you needed absolutely no talent or likeability to make it big, just a pathological ability to do whatever it takes for attention. So I’m happy to say that the show might be ending soon. RadarOnline reports …

“It has been the biggest reality franchise of all-time. Both Kim and Kris want to make sure they end on a high note, leaving fans wanting more, rather than try and stretch the show on for another few seasons and watch it die a death,” a source told Naughty But Nice Rob. “Plus, they are now moving on in their lives … exploring new options and opportunities. Kim wants to be with her daughter and Kanye, while Kris wants to focus on being a talk show host and maybe start producing movies. She’s telling everyone that one day she will have an Oscar,” the source said.

HAHAHAHA! That’s cute. Kris Jenner winning an Oscar. Really cute! Well, as long as that delusion is what it takes to get your crappy show off the air, then yes, you will have an Oscar some day. That’s a completely realistic goal for your level of talent and taste. By all means, put all of your eggs into that specific basket. You can do it. (Did she buy it? Good.)

About JEREMY FEIST 5002 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.