There’s a perfectly logical reason why I used pigin in the headline, okay? It’s an inside joke, don’t ask. Anyway, Kendra Wilkinson, ever the face of female bravery in the fact of absolutely no diversity whatsoever, graces the cover of Playboy magazine this month despite the fact that she said she’d never appear on Playboy again. Except ha ha! It’s okay because it was actually from a photo shoot she did before she was pregnant. Yay?

Hey guys! So I wanted to clear something up really quick! A lot of you saw on my show that I was struggling to decide whether to pose for Playboy again or not. I AM on the December cover of Playboy but it wasn’t from a recent shoot. The photos are from a shoot I did 2 years ago when I was still living in the mansion. I’m flattered to be on the cover again and as you all know Playboy has a very special place in my heart! I just wanted you guys to know I didn’t recently pose. SOURCE

Man, Kendra Wilkinson is so brave you guys. To publicly vow never to do a shoot with Playboy, and then sign off on a bunch of photos that never made it out the door … She’s like the female Jesus. You know, except for the whole ‘banging a guy four times your age so that you could be on a reality show’ part. But hey, at least she’s not going around telling people not to buy issues with Holly and Bridget on the cover because they’re haggard trolls who aren’t even on her radar, right? (… get it now, Brent?)

About JEREMY FEIST 4832 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.