Khloe Kardashian got fired from ‘The X Factor’

Khloé Kardashian and Mario Lopez

Khloé Kardashian and Mario Lopez

As some of you might remember — I don’t because, honestly, I don’t care. — Khloé Kardashian was hired on as one of the hosts for the last season of The X Factor with Mario Lopez. Except it turns out, having zero hosting talent (or literally any other talent) isn’t really conducive to being a good host, so now Khloe is getting the axe. One Kardashian down, five more to go guys. RadarOnline reports …

“They are asking Mario [Lopez] to come back, but not Khloé,” a source tells the paper. As RadarOnline has previously reported, last October, Khloé, 28, was named with much fanfare as a co-host to The X Factor, along with Lopez, as creator/judge Simon Cowell worked to revamp and revitalize the fledging talent competition show. Khloé came to the table with no hosting experience, and from the get-go, she appeared nervous and ill at ease, forcing Lopez to shoulder more and more of the hosting duties, as the show progressed.

Long story short, someone was horribly unqualified for their job and only got it because of a family connection, and then they lost it. The only reason we’re reporting it is because Khloé Kardashian is kinda famous, and also because HAHAHA! A Kardashian was hoisted by her own petard! Oh, this makes me feel good right in the soul.

About JEREMY FEIST 4832 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.