Khloe Kardashian wants us to stop mocking Kim!

Kim Kardashian and Khloé Kardashian

Kim Kardashian and Khloé Kardashian

Ever since Kim Kardashian got pregnant, she’s been going out of her way to show off and/or talk about her weight as much as possible because she thinks it’ll score her a lucrative Weight Watchers deal. The internet has responded by reading her for filth because of it. So here’s Khloé Kardashian demanding that everyone stop reaching for a fruit that hangs so low, it’s basically on the ground. RadarOnline reports …

“I find it disturbing that society loves to critique a woman’s shape no matter how beautiful or happy she may be within herself,” Khloé writes, noting she’s been herself prone “to public attacking in regards to my body or appearance. Khloé wrote anyone who dares to “criticize a woman who is growing another life inside of her is true scum in my eyes,” noting that this should be the “most memorable and beautiful” time of her sister’s life, as she’s carrying boyfriend Kanye West’s child. “I would hurt for her for years if all she remembers is the pain and emotional abuse she has received from so many vicious people,” Khloé wrote, telling the haters to “stop being so careless with your words.

The sad thing is, Khloé’s actually right about something. People shouldn’t be making fun of Kim’s weight, especially when she’s pregnant. There are plenty of other things you can make fun of Kim for, like the fact that she has no talent, the fact that her shows are terrible, the fact that her clothing looks like someone killed a leopard prostitute and skinned it, that her make up looks like it was applied with a paint-roller, or the fact that she would blow a goat if she thought it would get her name in the Farmer’s Almanac, or that her ass is mostly Fix-A-Flat at this point, or the fact that she entered into loveless relationship for attention and then sealed it with an attention-grabbing pregnancy and now she’s stuck in said loveless relationship, or … you see what I’m getting at. There are thousands of things about Kim that are worse than a couple extra pounds.

About JEREMY FEIST 4832 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.