Last week, a video of Kim Kardashian leaving her Paris hotel, almost getting into her car, then running back into the hotel to get her baby. Naturally, everyone assumed that she had almost forgotten her baby because, well, she’s a Kardashian. We expect her to be awful, and she keeps finding new and delightful ways to exceed those expectations. Except now Kim is going on about how she didn’t actually leave North West behind, she was just checking the car seat …
I went to the car to make sure the car seat was in because the day before we had a car seat issue.
— Kim Kardashian (@KimKardashian) October 3, 2014
Do u guys really think a 1year old would be inside the lobby by herself!Oh wait she was waiting to check out lol
— Kim Kardashian (@KimKardashian) October 3, 2014
Loathe though I am to say this, I actually believe her. Look, not that I don’t enjoy making fun of the stupid, egocentric bullsh!t Kim gets up to, but this time she actually didn’t do anything. In the video, you actually can hear her bodyguard saying something about the carseat before she goes back in. This of course, leaves a few unanswered questions: Namely, why didn’t she just bring North out with her. The short answer is I don’t know, Kim’s dumb. Although I think the likely answer is that going out once without North, then once WITH North, gives her twice the camera time as well as two different options for pictures. Also, going back inside offers them a shot of her ass. So if I had to guess, I’d go with that?