Remember how Kris Humphries gave Kim Kardashian a $2 Million dollar engagement ring, despite the fact that you can cover a Ford Pinto in diamonds but at the end of the day, it’s still a turd on wheels? Well funny thing about that … it turns out, walking around with the equivalent of a house on your finger is a bit of a hassle, so Kim is comissioning a replica of the ring using a cubic zirconia, so now she can have all the attention at only a fraction of the cost!
“Kim is having a replica of her ring made,” a source close to the situation tells RadarOnline.com. “It’s going to be perfect and really difficult to detect that it’s a fake to the untrained eye. But, it will be a huge weight off of Kim’s mind. Walking around wearing a ring that’s worth around half the value of her house worries her sick, but at the same time she wants to wear the ring all the time. Kim is totally in love with it, as she is Kris, and she wants to show it off. This, she believes, is the perfect solution. She will wear the real thing when she goes to special events or when she feels comfortable, but when she’s just tooling around she can wear her ‘decoy.'” SOURCE
Thank you, Kim Kardashian, for providing us with the absolute perfect analogy for you. I mean, a beautiful ring that happens to be an utter fake and is just a lesser, cheaper knock-off of the real thing that we turn to because it’s easier? Seriously, have you become self-aware or something, because that is just GOLD.