Let’s do a quick retrospective of Kanye West‘s career here, shall we? He hijacked Taylor Swift‘s acceptance speech, he’s gone on bizarre, incoherent rants, and is generally known for being a pompous, egotistical ass. And yet his career has never really suffered from any of that. But apparently, Kanye may have finally met his kryptonite: According to New York Daily News, famewhore Kim Kardashian is tanking Kanye’s career. Yes, Kim. There is literally nothing a Kardashian can’t ruin.
“His personal life is overpowering his music,” an industry source says. “Every time he plays, people are wondering if Kim is going to be there. It’s not a good thing for him, especially if he wants to be taken seriously.” Kardashian is also affecting West’s income. The rapper was offered several opportunities to host New Year’s Eve parties in Vegas and Miami — but only if he would bring Kardashian. West declined the offers. “Kanye was actually offended by the offers,” says the source. In the beginning of their relationship, West tried to put his foot down when it came to appearing on the Kardashian family’s shows. “He made it clear to her he doesn’t want to be on her show, but Kim gets upset so he caves in,” adds the source.
Kids, let this be a lesson: It doesn’t matter how talented you are. If you’re a shameless opportunist and transparently focused on pandering to the lowest common denominator, eventually people are going to get turned off. So keep your head down, make good stuff, mind your P’s and Q’s, and you’ll be fine.