Kim Kardashian is selling her old clothes

Kim Kardashian

(Programming Note: Sorry for the dearth in posting everyone! Unfortunately, I’ve spent the last couple days moving into a new apartment, so … yeah, we literally just got Internet in here all of fifteen minutes ago. We don’t even have drapes up yet, I swear. Anyway, I know you all didn’t come here to hear me bitch about the new apartment, so let’s move onto the celebrity bashing, shall we?)

Because rich people can literally just throw all their clothes away and buy new ones at the drop of a hat because they don’t have to worry about things like “budgeting” or “extreme couponing”, Kanye West told Kim Kardashian to get rid of all her old clothes and then gave her money to buy a whole new wardrobe. Feel the hate welling up inside of you? Good, hold onto that because now, instead of just donating all her old clothes to the needy like a normal, decent person would, she’s selling all of her old stuff on eBay so that she can have even more money. My Hermes reports …

Shoppers can browse through items from a host of well-known names in the range, including DKNY, Hugo Boss, Ralph Lauren, Michael Kors and Ted Baker. Several bids have already surpassed the $100 (£63) mark, with two items from Kourtney Kardashian – a Rachel Pally patterned maxi dress and a Rory Beca multi-coloured spaghetti strap dress – attracting bids of more than $300. The sale will help to raise money for a good cause, with a portion of the proceeds going to Life Change Community Church.

Mind you, this is the same woman who volunteered to “donate” the value of her wedding gifts from her big fake sham wedding to charity, only to then spend all the money on watches for her family. So I would like to take this time to apologize to Life Change Community Church, because chances are, you’re never going to see a dime of that money. On the plus side, I’m sure the Kardashians will look stunning in their brand new watches that they have absolutely no need for.

Kim Kardashian

About JEREMY FEIST 5002 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.