Because Kim Kardashian would say that puppies taste like mint chocolate and the government was planting satellites in her teeth in order to win the Super Bowl, as long as it meant she got just a little more attention, Kim is gracing the cover of the May 2012 issue of UK Cosmopolitan (another recycled picture from last year). Actually, quick side note here: remember when they used her image on the cover of Turkish Cosmo, despite the fact they perpetrated the Armenian Genocide, and she vowed never to work with them again? Because she sure doesn’t! Anyway, Kim is saying that she wants to be a private person, while talking to Cosmo about her reality TV show. Yeah, that makes sense. The Daily Mail reports:
She said: ‘We know that we put ourselves in the public eye. We love doing our reality show, and it’s opened doors for us to have clothing lines … and to do things we’ve always dreamt of. So it comes with the territory and we know that. But as I get older and go through certain things, it’s made me want to be more of a private person.
‘I don’t think I would stop doing the reality show – I love doing it – but I wouldn’t have another relationship shown on the show. That might be too personal, especially when you’re just meeting someone. It’s taught me to be more private.’
Of course, this is Kim, so you can pretty much assume that the exact opposite of everything she said is true. Seriously, I just hope she doesn’t go on the record stating that the Theory of Gravity is true, otherwise I’m pretty sure we will all float off into outer space and die. And it’ll be entirely on you Kim. ON YOU!