Kim Kardashian wants to “educate” herself on the Middle East

Kim Kardashian

Earlier this week, Kim Kardashian tweeted about the current Israeli-Palestine crisis, because why shouldn’t someone who has no idea what she’s talking about talk about it? Makes all the sense. Anyway, Kim was hired to make a couple of appearance at Millions of Milkshakes stores in Kuwait and Bahrain, and has decided she will use the opportunity to “educate” herself on the subject. Sort of like when she went to Haiti to “help” with the relief efforts and instead used it as a photo op. Via TMZ

Sources close to Kim tell us … KK initially agreed to the trip to make appearances at some Millions of Milkshakes shops opening in the two countries. But after her recent Twitter controversy — centered around the Israel-Palestinian conflict — Kim is telling friends she’s determined to use the trip to educate herself about the political situation in the region. As one source puts it, “Kim wants to be as informed as possible … so she can use her celebrity to help those in need and raise awareness about important issues in the area.” We’re told Kim — who will be under the constant protection of a private security squad — has already set up meetings in both countries with local leaders.

Say what you will about what a shameless, cynical ploy for attention this is, but at least there will finally be a point of compromise in the Middle East.

Israel: Man, I hate that stupid fame-sucking whore beast.
Palestine: We do to, she smells like pee.
Israel: Wait, did we just-
Palestine: I guess we just did, didn’t we?
Israel: Want to strap her to a rocket and fire her into the sun?
Palestine: It’s like you’re reading my mind!

Kim Kardashian

About JEREMY FEIST 4970 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.