After all the Twitter stupidity that went down over the weekend between Lady Gaga and ‘he who shall not be named,’ everyone needs to remember the music, that’s really what it’s all about. I do love me some Gaga (I’ve been a huge fan ever since I interviewed her back in 2008) but it’s mainly because of her music, who has time for all this petty online drama, in the words of the lady herself, just dance! So without further ado (plus it’s 7AM here in LA), here’s the just released music video for Gaga’s new single “Applause” which seems to have garnered split opinions but personally I think it’s a great track (I even keep asking all my pets if they live for the applause), I blasted it all weekend (along with Natalia Kills‘ “Saturday Night”). I’m definitely excited to hear more from ARTPOP, due out 11/11.