Hey, remember how last year, Björk (Fun fact: I had to copy-paste her name because I don’t know how to do an umlaut. How sad is that?) released her album, Biophilia, as an app? Well, now Lady Gaga‘s doing the exact same thing too with her upcoming album ARTPOP, so feel free to add Björk to the list of people Gaga was “inspired” by. ContactMusic reports …
The singer wants fans to “fully immerse” themselves in the “multimedia experience”, which is expected out next spring (13). She writes, “I’m excited to tell you all that ARTPOP is going to be a multimedia experience that comes in different forms. The most major way to fully immerse yourself in ARTPOP is through the app … “You inspired me to create something that communicated with images, because you do, you communicate with me and each other. I’m hoping you will all continue to grow together and stay connected through your creativity.”
Wait, when she said little monsters inspired her, did she actually mean Björk? Because yeah, I can totally see how “her little monsters” inspired her to wear weird costumes, create avant-garde pop and release an entire album as an app.