I’m going to level with you all, I managed to rid myself of my burning sinuses, throat and fever over the night, but now I have a cough left with me as well as a stuffy nose. So I’m still sick, but not quite sick enough to take the entire day off. So now I’m reporting on how basketball player Lamar Odom wants to be let go from having to appear on the Kardashian reality shows, because it’s not like Kris Jenner made him sign a blood oath when he married The Wendigo. Oops, I mean Khloé Kardashian. Yeah, cheap shot, but shut up, I feel gross! RadarOnline reports …
“Lamar gets teased all of the time by his basketball buddies for appearing on the Kardashian reality shows. It’s a waste of his time, and does nothing to help his brand,” a family insider told Radar. “If anything, it just exposes him to ridicule and scorn. Look at the scandal his charity was exposed to. It’s unlikely that the charity would have made news had it not been for Lamar being married to a Kardashian.”
I like how Lamar is pissed about the whole charity thing, not because it was poorly managed and allegedly a huge clusterf**k, but because he got called out on it. Well, let this be a lesson to you: If you don’t want to be followed around by cameras all day and you don’t want to be sold out to the media on a regular basis, don’t marry into the family whose sole claim to fame is doing precisely that.