hey hey! i was never really into levi johnston (bristol palin‘s baby daddy) but after hearing about his playgirl photo shoot for months now – of course my curiosity was peaked and i must admit – he’s looking pretty damn sexy in the pictures posted below (i definitely wouldn’t kick him out of bed but i doubt he’d been any good for engaging conversation) of course to see the whole set – head to playgirl.com (or there’s a few more here – NSFW) i don’t really know where he thinks his lack of career is heading (the same could be said about sarah palin) sadly this will probably be levi’s shining moment (i wonder how much he was paid to strip down?) hopefully he’s enjoying his fifteen minutes of fame – because they certainly won’t last forever! popbytes over & out for now … xoxo
PS i suspect we’ll eventually see him doing full on porn – seems like a natural progre$$ion!