As a general rule, if you have something nice, it’s usually a good idea to not let Lindsay Lohan go anywhere near it, as one of two things will happen: If it’s small and portable, it will go “missing”, or if it’s too large to move, Lindsay will burn it to death with cigarette butts while drowning it in booze. So of course, when LiLo stayed at the W Hotel in New York City, she managed to cause $50,000 worth of damage to her room using nothing but cigarettes and drunkie know-how. Us Weekly reports …
As if Lindsay Lohan wasn’t in enough of a mess already! Staffers at the W hotel in NYC’s Union Square “are still cleaning up” after the 26-year-old courtroom fixture’s visit last fall, a source tells Us Weekly. “Her suite had so many cigarette burns, they had to change all the carpets,” the source says of the hot spot where the drama-prone Liz & Dick actress bunked for several weeks. “She did at least $50,000 worth of damage while partying.” And Lohan shouldn’t dare check in again. Says the insider: “She is not allowed back at any W hotel in NYC, ever!”
I’m not sure if you guys know this, but Lindsay allegedly trashed Elizabeth Taylor‘s trailer (pictured below) while she was filming Liz & Dick, just because she could. Once again: LIZ TAYLOR’S TRAILER. Honestly, they should just be thankful this didn’t happen:
Housekeeper #1: So all we have to do is clean Lindsay Lohan’s room and we’re done.
Housekeeper #2: I’m gonna miss this place. I finally get to retire tomorrow. Maybe I’ll spend more time with my kids.
Housekeeper #1: Well, let’s get this over with. (*Opens door, immediately unleashes a tsunami of cigarette butts and backwashed gin.*)
Housekeeper #2: NOOOO! TELL MY KIDS I LOVED THEEEEEEEEEM! (*Swept away by a wave of filth*)