You better sit down, because what I’m about to say may rock you to your very core. (*Deep Breath*) Okay, you know that car crash that Lindsay Lohan got into a few weeks ago? That one where she allegedly lied to the police about how she wasn’t driving? And then she lied some more and said that it was everyone else’s fault? Then it was revealed that Lindsay wasn’t even supposed to be driving in the first place? Well … turns out it was actually her fault all along. I KNOW, RIGHT? RadarOnline reports:
A source close to the situation tells us, “The investigation is almost complete, and Lindsay was speeding in the moments before the accident. She was probably going ten miles over the posted speed limit, which would have been around fifty miles per hour. There were no skid marks, which indicate that Lindsay was indeed speeding and didn’t have time to even hit the brakes before she crashed into the truck. Lindsay is truly lucky to be alive, and that no one else got seriously injured. Lindsay could be cited by the Santa Monica Police Department for causing the accident, but it doesn’t seem very likely. The police report and investigation findings will be turned over to Lindsay and the trucker, James Johnson’s respective insurance companies. Lindsay’s Porsche was totaled in the accident and was a complete loss.”
Once again, California proving that it takes its laws really seriously, unless it would take work and effort to enforce, in which case … nyeh, screw it. We have better things to do. Besides, it’s not like LiLo hurt anyone, right? I mean, as long as you don’t count Lindsay herself, the truck driver and her assistant. But other than everyone involved in the accident, no one was actually hurt.