Lindsay Lohan isn’t doing bar mitzvahs … yet!

Lindsay Lohan

Yesterday, something called 123Talent sent out an email flyer advertising Lindsay Lohan as a potential guest for your bar mitzvah, wedding, or the rarely celebrated wedding mitzvah, wherein young Jewish boys become men by vowing to spend the rest of their lives with one woman (or another man, it’s all good.) Well, it turns out that Lindsay isn’t actually making personal appearances, so now you’ll never have Lindsay at your wedding. I know, I bet you must be crushed. Via TMZ

A booking fee isn’t listed on the message — but Lindsay’s film credits are … The Parent Trap, I Know Who Killed Me, and that creepy Disney movie with Tyra Banks called Life-Size. And now, Lindsay’s pissed — insisting her career hasn’t sunk so low that she’d be forced to do anything like a Bar Mitzvah or a wedding … not yet anyway. What’s more — sources close to the actress tell us, Lindsay NEVER signed a deal with 123 Talent and never agreed to let them represent her in any way … so the email is totally bogus. The CEO of 123 Talent — which still claims to represent Lindsay on its website — tells us, the pitch was NOT bogus but Lindsay’s team has since “decided to go in another direction.”

Wait, did anyone actually think this was real? The flyer they sent out looked like the E-Vite your aunt sends you for her cat’s 14th birthday party, and you’re assuming that Lindsay would actually show up to a complete stranger’s celebration. She can barely remember to show up to a movie set, what are the odds she’ll actually make it to some random wedding?

Lindsay Lohan

About JEREMY FEIST 4832 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.