Lindsay Lohan: Promoting ‘Liz & Dick’ for one reason only

Lindsay Lohan

A couple days ago, Lindsay Lohan was seen at Chateau Marmont, which seemed odd in light of the fact that she was friggin’ banned over an unpaid bill worth over $46,000. What was up with that? Well, you remember how LiLo agreed to do an interview with Barbara Walters, even though she had absolutely no desire for such a thing? Turns out she’s only doing it so that the producers of Lifetime‘s upcoming made for TV movie (LOL) Liz & Dick will pay her bill for her. The Daily reports …

With Liz & Dick, the story of Elizabeth Taylor’s tumultuous two marriages to Richard Burton, set to air on Lifetime on November 25th, the producers need Lohan to promote the made-for-TV movie. “She had them over a barrel,” one source told Flash. “She demanded that the hotel bill be cleared up.” And it was. Lohan reappeared at Chateau last week in a low-cut, sequined mini-dress with a group of girlfriends for late-night tea and salads.

Her interview with Walters, yet to be taped, is scheduled to air November 16th on 20/20, and will delve into the dynamics of her dysfunctional family, including last Wednesday’s 4 a.m. phone call to her father, Michael Lohan, where she accused her mother, Dina, of using cocaine. Michael taped the conversation and either sold it, or leaked it for free, to TMZ. Lindsay later recanted the accusation.

Wait, so Lindsay was given a second (or, more accurately, fifth or sixth) chance, and her reaction was to refuse to do any promo work until they paid a bill that had been previously off the table? No, that totally sounds like the professional decisions of a delightful young woman who isn’t taking her career for granted.

Lindsay Lohan

About JEREMY FEIST 5002 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.