As some of you might remember, Lindsay Lohan tried to sue Pitbull after he included a lyric about her getting her ass locked up in jail in one of his songs. Yes, how dare he reference a thing that actually happened in real life?! Well, according to RadarOnline, the case was thrown out because it’s not illegal to make fun of stupid asshole celebrities, which is probably a good thing because if it was, I would actually have to get a — GASP! — real job. *Shudders* Never again, dammit. Never again …
Lohan took issue with the rapper for mentioning her name in his mega smash hit, “Give Me Everything.” In the suit, Lohan claims he used her name in an “offensive and disparaging manner” on the track, in which he brags: “I got it locked up like Lindsay Lohan.” The lawsuit was formally dismissed because, “The song is a protected work of art … Lindsay Lohan’s name was not used in the song for advertising purposes,” the court docs state. The judge ruled that Pitbull didn’t make money off using Lohan’s name in the song, and she didn’t suffer any emotional distress.
Does Lindsay know that there’s practically an entire industry built on making fun of her for being a stupid, irresponsible jerk? It’s not like it’s just a few people either; she’s literally a punchline at this point. And this might be part of the reason why. This right here? You trying to sue someone for referring something that happened to you? This is why everyone’s making fun of you, sweetums.