LOL: Lindsay Lohan thinks she worth $500,000!

Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan

As everyone now knows, Lindsay Lohan has gone from one of Hollywood’s most promising, bankable stars to being that crazy person who punches psychics and steals necklaces. But one of the biggest mysteries has always been how she did it. How did she manage to blow all that money and all those opportunities so hard? Well, here’s a hint: Lindsay Lohan may lose an easy, $200,000 gig in Dubai because she’s convinced that she’s a big enough star to earn $500,000. RadarOnline reports …

“Lindsay wants $500k for an appearance in Dubai to promote Mr. Pink’s Ginseng Energy Drink, which executives at the company are balking at. Mr. Pink is prepared to offer the actress $200k, and would pay for all of LiLo’s travel expenses,” a source told RadarOnline. exclusively. “However, the trip might not happen at all because of Lindsay’s criminal past and current pending criminal charges. Dubai has very strict laws about convicted criminals entering the country, and Lindsay is still on probation for a necklace theft case. Lindsay is very upset about her financial woes and doesn’t trust her new lawyer, Mark Heller, to handle the Dubai travel problem,” the insider added.

And this right here is Lindsay’s biggest problem: She still think she’s a huge, bankable star, even though she’s completely tanked any shot she has at a longterm career. Seriously honey, you’re virtually unemployable, becoming more so day by day, and your totally indebted because you’re terrible with money and have few conceivable options for income. At this point, if someone offers you $200,000 to do anything, the correct response is “Thank you!”—not “MORE!”

About JEREMY FEIST 4832 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.