And now, the absolute saddest story I think I will ever post on PopBytes – at least until the next thing I write about Lindsay Lohan. It seems our fair Lilo was enthralled by Chris Brown‘s flying dancey circus (unlike Jay-Z) and apparently had such a raging lady boner that she messaged him on Twitter asking if he wanted to ‘meet’ with her. Which I’m guessing means that Lilo is back on the all-cock diet again. Or she likes having her head slammed into a car door. One or the other.
@lindsaylohan: @ChrisBrown killed it. #MTVVMAs
@lindsaylohan: @chrisbrown wanna meet?
And you want to hear the even SADDER part? Chris Brown completely ignored her. No, really. Not a peep out of the guy. Which, as far as things go, really isn’t a good sign. Do you have any idea how sad your career has to be when even the guy who beat Rihanna thinks he’s too good for you? Although to be fair, considering the staggering amount of young women who seem to hate their gender enough to think that it’s admissible for a man to hit a woman “if she’s running her bitch mouth”, I think Chris might be getting enough pussy as it is.