this just in – ll cool j is due to release a brand new album on march 6th called todd smith – one of the first singles called control myself features ms. jennifer lopez herself – well it just leaked onto the net…
you might remember these two collaborating on a song before – called ‘all i have’ which is pictured below – this new track is pretty decent if i do say so myself…i have always loved mr. cool j but we all know i have always had a turbulent relationship with la lopez but this song gains her a few points – although i still think she is a dirty fur wearing puta – have a listen below and decide for yourself…
this time the song is not coming off my own servers – instead below is a link that will take you to a file hosting service – for now that’s the way the downloads will go on popbytes…sorry for the trouble but you can get the file below for listening – popbytes over & out for now! xxoo!
» listen to ll cool j and j lopez’s control myself (.mp3 3.6mb)