marilyn manson does vegas & absinthe!

hello! someone just sent over these pictures of marilyn manson (aka brian warner) partying in las vegas at the playboy club in celebration of kübler absinthe becoming legal in the US – apparently mr. manson (who was the MC of the event) and his entourage were drinking lots of it – i’ve never personally had it – i think it would make me crazy – it sounds awfully strong and must seriously fuck you up – anybody out there ever give it a try? you can tell from the pics below that he’s totally wasted – i’ve always admired mr. manson – oh he’s a totally weird & strange guy but there’s something about him that i find fascinating although i’d be totally nervous to meet him in person – especially if everyone was high on absinthe! (on a quick sidenote his latest album eat me, drink me is quite decent too but you for sure have to be in the mood for his kind of music) i hope everyone is enjoying their weekend – i’m about to head out and run some boring errands! popbytes over & out for now…xxoo!

About MICHAEL KNUDSEN 5715 Articles
MK (Michael Knudsen) first started PopBytes back in September of 2003—while trying to make a website for his design portfolio, the site quickly turned into one of the premiere online destinations for all things pop culture! A native New Yorker, he currently resides in Los Angeles with his partner Ivan along with four dogs, four cats and two parrots. Follow him on Twitter @PopBytes.