This week’s mashup is so hot off the presses, I burned my fingers opening my email this morning! LA’s own DJ Axel zipped this off to me as soon as he finished it, and I sure love it. And before ya go hatin’ on me ‘cuz it’s another boot featuring Lady Gaga and Ke$ha, plug in an amplifier and crank it to 11, ‘cuz this one’s a rockin’ banger, featuring the 80’s metal clowns from Quiet Riot and mainly the vocals from Flo Rida‘s You Spin Me ‘Round. Axel also added some chunky beats to the whole thing, just to make sure it’s dancefloor worthy. So grab the Aquanet, JD, and sci-fi shades – it’s a party!
† Download DJ Axel‘s Metal Romance (Bang Your Gaga) †
[.mp3 / 4.4mb / right click, save link as …]
Enjoy! — DJ Paul V.
Facebook | Bootie LA | Dragstrip 66
PS to my LA peeps: This Friday, August 13 – ooh, scary! – come join us at The Roxy on the Sunset Strip for TRANZKONTINENTAL live! Imagine a super bitchin’ rock band playing all your favorite glam & electropop songs, sung live by the fiercest queens you’ll find in LA! They also suprise the crowd by mashing up everything, too. I’ll be DJing with Keith 2.0, and you can get more info here. Doors are at 10pm, and the band goes on at Midnight.