hey kids! so mickey rourke was on jimmy kimmel last night to promote his new film domino – and gosh i swear his face looked glued on – age & time has not been kind to him – poor thing – that’s what a little (or shall we say a lot?) hard livin’ will do to ya – he still seems to be the ‘cool cat’ he always was – i do love some of his movies (ie barfly + angel heart) – but gosh that face of his needs a little more work (or maybe no more work…it’s hard to tell) – a few years back i ran into mickey and then girlfriend/ex-wife carrie otis – he was very friendly and autographed in lipstick for my friend liz – but carrie would have no part of it – she was really kinda weird – anyways i will be back on later – popbytes out – xxoo…