Miss Piggy loves Lana Del Rey!

Lana Del Rey, Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy

Since the Muppets may or may not be making their TV comeback (please let this happen) it only makes sense that they would have to update their repertoire of musical inspirations, in case they want to bring on musical guests for a new show. So in an interview with The Telegraph, Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy admitted to being fans of Skrillex and Lana Del Rey, I’m assuming before they cracked open a couple PBR’s and showed the reporter pictures they took on Instagram of Azealia Banks‘ Mermaid Ball.

Rainbow Connection, written by Paul Williams, is one of my favorite songs. Williams is collaborating with iconic electronic duo Daft Punk for their new album. I wondered who would be Kermit’s dream electronic artist to collaborate with in the future? Skrillex perhaps?

KERMIT: Paul is one of the great talents of all time. A great guy and one of the few people I can look in the eye without having to stand on a ladder. Anything he does will be great. I’d love to collaborate with an electronic artist … and I’d love to work with Skrillex, even though I’ve never heard his music. (We don’t get electronic music in the swamp. There’s something about electricity and water just doesn’t mix.)

Kermit, who is your favorite singer or band?

KERMIT: I’ve always been a fan of OK Go (we did a music video with them) and Weezer (we did a music video with them, too) and Queen (we didn’t do a music video with them, but we did our own version of their classic Bohemian Rhapsody).  And, of course, I like Green Day and Toad the Wet Sprocket, for purely amphibian reasons.

Kermit, did you have a crush on Debbie Harry when she sang Call Me on the show?

KERMIT: I love Debbie Harry and it was great performing with her, but as for having a crush on her, I really can’t say.

MISS PIGGY: At least not if you want to live.

Miss Piggy, after storming the stage at the Country Music awards and upstaging Carrie Underwood I have to ask: who is your favorite pop diva?

MISS PIGGY: I love Lana Del Rey. And, despite our little run in, I love Carrie Underwood, too. Right now, my current fave is, of course, Adele!  Beauty, talent, a natural singer – she reminds me of Moi!

Muppet hipsters! Awesome. To be fair, everyone they mentioned is a talented modern day artist, so I can see some of this happening. Whether or not Lana could actually cut the mumble-core shit for long enough to get through a skit is yet to be seen, but here’s hoping for a return of the Muppets to television.

Lana Del Rey, Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy

About JEREMY FEIST 4832 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.