more doom & gloom surround brangelina!

good morning! once again STAR magazine is claiming trouble in paradise for brad pitt and angelina jolie – i recently posted pictures of the couple grabbing a bite to eat over in new york city – although they didn’t look thrilled at all or appear to be in good moods – i think it’s simply because the paparazzi was following them! (or brad’s gnarly goatee is driving her up the wall – like it is me) i’m still a firm believer that everything is totally fine with them – i will be truly shocked if they end up splitting up – but their supposed troubled relationship has been featured on the cover of the magazine a couple of times now over the past few months (here, here and here) which does make me start to wonder … yet hopefully there’s simply no truth to any of the rumors! popbytes over & out for now … xoxo

PS somebody needs to get stylist to the stars rachel zoe (at 82lbs.) a sandwich ASAP!

Ever since Angelina Jolie told Brad Pitt she wanted to explore an open relationship, the façade has cracked and it’s become a vicious game of spying, lying and secret lovers.

In the Jan. 25 issue of Star, we report that Brad and Angelina’s struggle with living a lie has become so overwhelming that they’ve reached the point where they’re done faking it.

“There is no truce in sight for Brad an Angie,” an insider tells Star. “They can’t see eye to eye on anything and Brad’s had enough.”

Things have gotten so bad, sources say, the night before Zahara’s fifth birthday Brad stormed out of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in NYC, where the family has been staying, and took off on a solo trip to France — even though a party had been planned for his little girl! Meanwhile, Angie has been spying on Brad and even looked into hiring a private detective to follow him!

“Brad can only take so much,” says a source. “This guy is just dying inside.” SOURCE


brad pitt and angelina jolie
brad pitt and angelina jolie
brad pitt and angelina jolie
brad pitt and angelina jolie
brad pitt and angelina jolie
brad pitt and angelina jolie


About MICHAEL KNUDSEN 5719 Articles
MK (Michael Knudsen) first started PopBytes back in September of 2003—while trying to make a website for his design portfolio, the site quickly turned into one of the premiere online destinations for all things pop culture! A native New Yorker, he currently resides in Los Angeles with his partner Ivan along with four dogs, four cats and two parrots. Follow him on Twitter @PopBytes.