but not anymore – just look at him below – rocking his sexy ’70s pornstar chic moustache – he was hot! sadly at age 68 – he’s a total mess (unfortunately there was no aging gracefully for him) nick was spotted out in beverly hills earlier today looking more like a homeless person than a one-time celebrity (the last time i can remember him looking good was in 1991’s the prince of tides) at least he looks better today than in his infamous ’02 mugshot – that was a total train wreck picture – stuff nightmares are made of! he was once a decent actor – i’d love to see a comeback (a la mickey rourke in the wrestler and now jeff bridges in crazy heart) but that doesn’t appear to be the cards for mr. nolte right now but there’s always wishful thinking! popbytes over & out for tonight … xoxo
PS as cabaret goes – that’s what comes from too much pills and liquor!