Oh, how I love the internet. For many things, of course. But mainly ‘cuz once in awhile, you stumble upon something you just gotta have. And that’s what we have going on this week. Who woulda thunk, that the twee theme from NBC’s The Office would sound twice as infectious with some edits and hip hop beats? But more astoundingly, would you ever imagine Lil’ Wayne rapping over that? LA’s Clockwork did, and put together this smile-inducing blend, featuring Weezy’s Hustler Musik, while the oddball himself – Dwight K. Shrute – makes a brief appearance in the intro. Now, while you should play this loudly and often, don’t do that in your own office, as it’s quite NSFW.
† Download Clockwork‘s Office Musik †
[.mp3 / 9.3mb / right click, save link as …]
Enjoy! — DJ Paul V.
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