hey hey! oh my goodness these tabloids do make me laugh – i just had to post the cover of the latest celebrity living weekly – the headline is the best ‘hollywood’s latest skin and…bones!’ – however the part that is truly the best is inside the purple circle at the bottom ‘more boney stars inside!’ – that sounds so fucking funny! oh course we are always concerned about nicole richie & lindsay lohan – but damn ellen pompeo from my beloved ‘grey’s anatomy’ is looking so thin it’s crazy – i hope she is ok!
anyways the other good headline is ‘tom sets wedding date! july 4′ – please that is so not going to happen – let’s just wait until the 4th o’ july and let’s see if they marry that day…oi vey – i do promise to lay off the tabloids until next week…popbytes over & out plus super happy tomorrow is friday – much love to all as always – xxoo!