hey hey! oh this monday who could deal?!? i wanted to give a shout-out today to one of my sponsors here on popbytes – if you haven’t yet checked out brooklyn bunny – it is a must visit – a live webcam of two adorable bunnies (yes real-life rabbits) living in a brooklyn apartment – updated constantly all day long you can track the daily grind in the life of two sweet little bunnies – as we all know popbytes is a huge animal lover – so when i came across this i fell in love immediately – i also just thought the site was so clever and quite well designed – i just got my brooklyn bunny tee-shirt in the mail today along with a groovy magnet for my fridge – i for sure will be wearing the shirt tomorrow – so keep your eyes open around hollywood for this ‘pop brooklyn bunny’ – i so love & miss brooklyn so this makes me feel just a drop closer to home…rock on – i will be back tomorrow – xxoo

Brooklyn Bunny was inspired by our former pet rabbit “Bun.” He lived with us for many years in our Greenpoint, Brooklyn apartment. After his passing in February of 2005, we thought that we may never get another pet. Several months later, we thought it may be a good idea to start a rabbit sitting service. In the middle of setting up our website, we received an email from a friend with a photo of the cutest white bunny who needed a home. We were offered a weekend bunny test-drive. Our door bell rang and the rest is history.