hey everybody – so tonight i went to advance press screening of the film the notorious bettie page which will open april 14th in theaters – it’s the true tale of one of the most famous pin-up women ever – the legend (and still very much alive!) bettie page – everyone knows that popbytes loves kitsch and you can’t get more kitsch than some bettie bondage or jungle pictures – i even have one of her pics covering my light switch in the bathroom! gretchen mol does an awesome acting turn at playing ms. page – i must admit i didn’t know ms. mol all that well but she was a physical stunning double for bettie and really played her vulnerability & innocence with superb grace & strength (i smell early oscar buzz…) the film was beautifully directed by mary harron (american psycho, i shot andy warhol) plus had a very smart screenplay co-written by mary & guinevere turner
this short & to the point film for some reason reminded me a lot of goodnight & good luck – two excellent & true ‘americana’ stories (both taking place in the 1950’s) that are told without any unnecessary distractions and/or detours – also ‘page’ was shot in a lot of black & white (the color sequences of bettie’s time in miami were awesome!) as was ‘good night’ (100% b/w) plus both films have oscar nominated actor david strathairn! it was also a treat tonight to see lili taylor playing the part of ‘paula klaw’ – who ends up with husband ‘irving klaw’ (played by chris bauer) facing the US senate on lame ass charges of pornography & indecency (oh those 1950’s) for the pics & films they made of bettie along with other models…i would so highly recommend this film – very smart & very enjoyable (plus only 93 minutes!) popbytes over & out for tonight – check you all tomorrow…xxoo!