these are the best photos – katy perry shopping in los angeles wearing the most truthful t-shirt i’ve seen in awhile … be afraid … oh there’s many reasons to be afraid when it comes to ms. perry and her shitty music! (i plugged my ears and i liked it!) especially now that she’s engaged to greasy brit comedian russell brand and could be spawning sooner than later … yikes! girlfriend is working on the follow-up to her debut album (don’t ask me why it was a hit) one of the boys – ugh! this is probably my first & last post about katy – i swore i wouldn’t write much about her but when i saw that t-shirt – i simply couldn’t pass up the opportunity to take a very necessary stab at her talentless ways! i’m still convinced the only reason she ‘broke out’ is because one blogger (who shall remain nameless) was paid to promote her stank – she’s just not that good – nor was her crap album! i wish she’d go back to being a ‘christian’ singer and leave us all the hell alone! popbytes over & out for tonight … xoxo