hey hey! last night the season finales of both denise richards: it’s complicated & living lohan aired over on E! – i’m only semi-ashamed to admit i watched each & every episode of the two shows (which i believe was only like six episodes per show) my opinions of denise richards & dina lohan pretty much remain the same (denise’s dad irv richards is surprisingly really cool) although i did warm up to both ladies but just a very tiny bit (shocking – i know! yet i still don’t know who i’d save from a burning building if i could only pick either denise or dina…)
the one person who i actually like a lot is lindsay’s little sister ali lohan who seems like a decent kid and has to put up with a lot of crap (kids were teasing her left and right – saying such things like when are you going to rehab like your sister? and stop trying to be like lindsay – i swear kids can be so fucking cruel) plus i’ve been finding her new track all the way around to be a total guilty pleasure (take a listen here)
without skipping a beat E! is serving up another dose of reality starting next sunday (august 3rd) starring pamela anderson entitled pam: a girl on the loose (produced by world of wonder) i don’t know if using the word ‘loose’ was the smartest idea when it comes to referencing ms. anderson but for the most part i do love pamela 1000x more than denise & dina combined! there’s two promos embedded below along with the poster for pam’s show – i adore the whole retro vibe! popbytes over & out for now…xxoo

nudity…it’s a big deal! | pam – girl on the loose promo |