Paula Deen has already proven that she sees nothing morally wrong with promoting a diet for the sake of money when she knows full well it can lead to diabetes, only to reveal her own diabetic status just as soon as she can score a promotion-deal for diabetes-medication to cover her own ass. In simpler times, imagine if someone got rich by telling people never to exercise, then turned around and promoted heart medication after they secretly had several quadruple bypasses.
Anyway, you can now add “screaming racism” to the list of stuff the Butter Queen has no problem with. According to a deposition obtained by The National Enquirer, Paula not only used the N-word several times, but she also thinks there was nothing more swell than slavery …
In a blockbuster world exclusive, The ENQUIRER rips the lid off a shocking racial scandal in which celebrity chef PAULA DEEN confesses to using the N-word on several occasions and even wanting black waiters to play the role of slave in a wedding party she was planning.
In a disturbing May 17 legal deposition – which only The ENQUIRER has obtained — Paula also reveals stunning family secrets about booze and pornography. And it was all captured on video!
Now, sources say that Paula’s own words could bring down the Food Network star’s $17 million business empire. The bombshell revelations came to light after one of Paula’s restaurant managers, Lisa Jackson, sued the popular TV star for discrimination in a whopping $1.2 million lawsuit.
Dear Karma,
I know I don’t really believe in you, but if there was ever a time for you to reveal yourself? Now would be that time. Honestly, you’re working with a blank check here. Want to hit her in the face with another ham? By all means, go ahead. Want her to fall through a trap door into a pit of scorpions? Implausible, but okay. Would you like her heart to literally burst through her chest like a newborn Xenomporph? We will look the other way as you bend the rules of reality to suit your whim. Just do something. Anything.
Love, Jeremy