Paula Abdul and Nicole Scherzinger’s death threats!

Paula Abdul and Nicole Sherzinger

You know who is the most unstable, murderous group of people you never want to piss off? Teenage girls. I swear to God, I think like 90% of the angry emails I get are from teenage girls who don’t understand that stretching the truth until it becomes laughable and ridiculous is how a joke works. Unfortunately, teenage girls also don’t understand that threatening to kill someone or telling them that they hope they die constitutes a death threat. So of course, when teenage girl fave Drew Ryniewicz was (admittedly, unfairly) eliminated from The X Factor, guess how well that went over? Here’s a big ol’ hint from TMZ:

According to our sources, [Paula Abdul] and [Nicole Scherzinger] both got the cold shoulder from Simon Cowell after the show … who was “furious” with their decision. But that’s nothing compared to the abusive tweets and Facebook messages they’ve received. Some of the messages read:

— “F**K you paula you dumb c**t you voted off the most talented person on your f**king show. i hope you die you DUMB B***H.”

— “I hope you die, you selfish———-”

— “@NicoleScherzy @paulaabdul go die”

Look, I went ahead and watched clips of Drew, obviously she’s a talented young lady with a career ahead of her. That being said, I don’t care how talented the people you like are, you cannot tell someone that you want them to die. Really can’t emphasize this enough. I mean yes, they’re both rich and powerful ladies, and I don’t think these comments will really do them any lasting damage, but you need to learn this right now: you can’t tell people you hope they die, because doing so makes you a terrible human being.

Paula Abdul and Nicole Scherzinger

About JEREMY FEIST 4832 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.