finally here are my top ten favorite albums from 2009 (kind of in order but not really except the first one) they may not technically be ‘the best’ (or the best-selling) from the past year – i don’t claim to be a music critic at all (far from it!) i just know what i enjoy – these are the ten albums that i had on constant repeat – i highly recommend adding them to your music library if you haven’t already! popbytes over & out for tonight … xoxo
whitney houston i look to you
after a seven-year-long break from the music scene – doing only bobby brown knows what – ms. whitney houston finally returned with a triumphant album that upon first listen i wasn’t really crazy about but then it took me over – i swear on my blog that i listened to this album at least twice a day for like three months straight! i loved that it catered to us fans – rather than trying to be all relevant and over ambitious – it’s pure classic whitney and although her voice isn’t quite what it used to be (crack is whack!) she still sounds damn good! all hail ms. houston … we have our girl nippy back at last and i couldn’t be happier – bow down bitches!
essential tracks: million dollar bill, nothin’ but love, call you tonight, for the lovers, salute

mika the boy who knew too much
although it took a little bit of time for me to warm up initially to mika – now i think he’s definitely one of the best male artists currently on the pop scene (plus he’s super cute – the true definition of dreamy) this album is super on all levels – and he can for sure lay claim to being today’s incarnation of freddie mercury (sorry adam lambert!) plus he can lay claim to being the only solo male artist on my list! (except for rupaul but that classification can be tricky)
essential tracks: we are golden, rain, blame it on the girls

rihanna rated R
upon first listen i wasn’t thrilled with this album at all – it’s certainly no good girl gone bad but after a couple of listens – i totally fell in love – it’s dark and highly personal – an album obviously born from this whole past year of drama with her loser ex-boyfriend chris brown! he should be seriously kicking himself over what happened – he lost out on an amazingly talented and beautiful girlfriend – who’s on top of the world right now! i didn’t think she’d make it past her first single – i was so wrong!
essential tracks: cold case love, hard, photographs, russian roulette

rupaul champion
some people might be surprised i included this album but i swear it’s probably the most fun one on the list – pure pop perfection – over the top and dramatic – that’s how i roll! plus this past year was very good to rupaul – he had a hot album along with a hit reality show – rupaul’s drag race which kicks off for a second season in february on logo! i’ve been a fan of his for years – i will stick by ru’s side to the bitter end!
essential tracks: never go home again, let’s turn the night, jealous of my boogie, champion

lady sovereign jigsaw
before this album i wasn’t overly familiar with britian’s rap queen lady sovereign but now i’m a diehard fan – i think this album is underrated and overlooked – it’s solid from start to finish! i had the opportunity to see her play live a few months ago (thankfully she seemed to be sober) she put on an excellent show – she’s one little (nasty) girl with a ton of spunk!
essential tracks: jigsaw, so human, i got you dancing …, let’s be mates

major lazer guns don’t kill people … lazers do
this is the album that’s a total requirement for all parties – it’s a project from producers diplo and switch is a literally a melting pot of a bunch of different styles – from jamaican dance hall music to rock & roll – without a doubt the most eclectic (and least heard about) album on the list – instant good times – i promise – would i lie to you?!
essential tracks: hold the line, keep it goin’ louder, pon de floor

gossip music for men
i thought this album would send beth ditto and her band to the top of the charts but unfortunately it didn’t seem to be as big as it should have been – it’s incredible and ms. ditto is one of the most exciting people in music today! she’s one of those people who really likes to let it all hang out – the good, the bad and the ugly – something i totally respect and try to do the same myself!
essential tracks: heavy cross, love long distance, dimestore diamond

GLEE volume I & II
hands down the best TV show of the year was GLEE which produced not one but two soundtrack albums – they are a must-have for all my fellow ‘gleeks’ out there! i cannot wait for the second season to kick-off this spring – if you’re not watching this show – you’ve got no clue what you’re missing – it’s literally everything and more! it’s my second favorite TV show of all-time – right behind all in the family – nothing can top the trials & tribulations of my beloved archie & edith bunker!
essential tracks: alone, maybe this time, no air, defying gravity (all volume I!)

lily allen it’s not me, it’s you
i was worried about ms. allen’s follow-up to her incredible debut album alright, still but she got past the sophomore slump with flying colors with this one! sadly it sounds like she’s taking a break from music – who knows if she’ll ever make another album but girlfriend has two amazing ones already under her belt – she should be quite proud – both are sonic masterpieces!
essential tracks: everyone’s at it, the fear, fuck you, he wasn’t there, chinese

fever ray fever ray
there’s something about lead singer karin andersson dreijer‘s voice that just makes me melt – and at the same time induces goose bumps (the oddly relaxing kind) this slightly spooky and moody album hit the spot – it was one those pieces of work that instantly took to – sometimes music needs to grow on me but that was not the case with this one – immediately sold!
essential tracks: when i grow up, seven, if i had a heart

alicia keys the element of freedom
mary j. blige stronger with each tear
amanda blank i love you
dionne bromfield introducing dionne bromfield
regina spektor far
cheryl cole three words
tori amos midwinter graces
david guetta one love
indigo girls poseidon and the bitter bug
jordin sparks battlefield

FAVORITE VIDEO OF 2009 \ lady gaga bad romance
there’s simply no question – bad romance is the best music video of the year – it’s epic on so many levels – i can’t say enough about it – expect the video to pick up a bunch of awards next year! even though i left lady gaga‘s release the fame monster off my list (it’s hard to narrow it down to ten!) she was featured last year for the fame which i still love plus her brand new eight tracks are brilliant!